Washington City Paper on The Red Fetish & Teething Veils
Thx Washington City Paper for thoughtful words on the new The Red Fetish and Teething Veils albums. Check it out.
"...vocalist Kris Kagel demonstrates how her wiry, gut-tugging vocals can mesmerize no matter what mode her band is in: sludge-y metal, grunge-y skater-rock throwbacks, noodly bedroom pop. When she outright wails, it’s with a purpose, intoning like Elizabeth Fraser..."
"...the lushest and most focused full-length from Teething Veils...sepia-toned yet searching, eccentric yet melodically inclined—add up to something that feels like its own pocket universe, sometimes wistful, sometimes the kind of menacing only achieved via a late-career Tom Waits death rattle..."